David's TI92+ Site

TI Basic Programs
Plus Shell Assembly Programs
TI Basic Programs
All the files in this section
Card Library - a set of functions and pictures for card games
Farkle - a really fun dice game
Solitaire - my version of solitaire
Tut's Tomb - a.k.a. Pyramid card game
Go Fish'n' - this is a game for those times when solitaire
just isn't enough
Mankala - fun African pebble game
Blackjack - plain old Blackjack
All files in this section
Angle Toggle - toggles between radian and degree modes
quick and easily
Rieman Sum - calculates Rieman Sums (it also slices
and dices)
Trapezoid Rule - finds area under a curve
Best-fit Line - finds line that most closely fits a
set of data using several different regression methods
Newton's Method - calculates root of equation and displays
intermediate values as it looks for root
Simpson's Rule - finds area under a curve
All files in this section
Crazy Ant - a crazy ant crawls around the screen
Random Walk - a dot randomly moves about the screen
Checkbook - handly checkbook program to keep track of
pxlrect - useful function to draw boxes on the screen
String Padder - adds spaces to the beggining or end
of a string
Plus Shell Assembly Programs
All files in this section
Bomber - Bomberman clone
Solitaire - not just solitaire, its Rusty's Ultimate
Tetris - need I say anymore
Same Game - shape matching game similar to Columns and
Dr. Mario
Minesweeper - classic Windows game