My Travels
My account of my travels, both domestic and around the world. |
Aggie stuff
My Fight'n' Texas Aggie page with cool photos and traditions.By the way, I'm a proud member of the Fight'n' Texas Aggie Class of 2003. WHOOP!! |
Verse of the Day
The College Gourmet
My "homebrew" recipies for quick, cheap, and tasty food. Watch out Emeril, I'm coming! |
My Poetry
It might not be on a level with Poe or Bronte, but it conveys my feelings. |
My Guest Book has been discontinued due to lusers spamming it with nasty messages!

Electronic Circuits
Miscellaneous electronics resources: circuits, schematics, theory, links,etc. |
Never-ending Projects
A discriptive list of some of my ongoing projects. |
TI92+ Programs
Take the Dave's Faves Quiz
My Calendar